Vision Statement
The Friends seek to develop Kings Norton Local Nature Reserve, in partnership with Birmingham City Council, as a tranquil haven that supports a broad range of wildlife and is welcoming, clean and safe for people to visit.
We aim through best practice to:
Provide a safe, welcoming and inspiring environment for all to enjoy, irrespective of age, ability, gender, belief or ethnicity
Provide an open space that is maintained to a high standard, enhancing, promoting and conserving the biodiversity, landscape and heritage of Kings Norton LNR through sensitive, sustainable and appropriate management
Enhance visitors’ awareness and appreciation of the natural environment through education, life long learning and volunteering opportunities
Promote a sense of ownership within the local community and among visitors
Seek, in collaboration with partner organisations, to enhance and enrich the wildlife corridor along the River Rea
The Friends, in partnership with Birmingham City Council, will achieve this by:
Providing a safe and stimulating environment
Using sound environmental principles in our management of the Reserve’s biodiversity, landscape and heritage
Working in partnership with members of the Friends group, the local community, other environmental groups and stakeholders, keeping them informed of activity on site and consulting them on plans for future development
Producing regular newsletters for Friends, increasing promotional material and ensuring it is widely available
Increasing the use of the site by local schools and other groups
Holding regular events such as Open Days and Bat Walks on site
Providing a welcoming and supportive environment for volunteers
Showing a commitment to equality of opportunity
Seeking appropriate funding to enable the feasibility of future development of the site to be fully investigated