Contact Us

Please click here to email us if you have any comments, suggestions or problems concerning the FKNNR.


Honorary Officers:

Chair : Margie Hall

Vice Chair: Ian Freake

Secretary: Gill Ambler

Treasurer: Peter Lund

Membership Secretary:

Dawn Abigail

Volunteer Co-ordinator:

Amanda Cadman

Education Liaison:


Committee members:

David Fernie

David Human

Brian Hewitt

Brian Lee

Jean Perring

David Rosser

Val Saunders

Brian Wells

Useful Contacts

Environment Agency pollution hotline
0800 807060

City Parks Department call centre
0121 464 8728

Northfield Rangers
0121 445 6036

West Midlands Police
0345 113 5000 ext. 7826 6228

Anti-social behaviour hotline
0121 303 1111